Tuesday, November 1, 2011


man, I am terrible at blogging

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Things I did in RIOT PLAGUED LONDON -- a running tally


I tried to buy standing tickets to Richard III with Kevin Spacey - no dice, but oh well. I tried!

Did buy tickets to Priscilla Queen of the Desert THE MUSICAL which, shut up, I will love, you can't judge me.

Spent some time at the Tate. Loved the Taryn Simon special exhibition "A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters," as well as the small but excellent collection of Post-Impressionists.

Walked along the Thames, and looked in at the Bankside Gallery (The Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers).

Visited the delightfully cheesy Clink Prison Museum where I learned about all manner of torture devices and had this picture taken.

Spoke to the head of MA programs at RADA who sort of answered but also didn't answer all my questions...she was very, very nice and, whatever, I'm going to apply, what do I have to lose? Just maybe not this year. Or maybe?

Walked through Piccadilly Circus to get to the National Gallery, which was incredible of course, but also pretty overwhelming. So....many...paintings...

Trafalgar Square was a square full of people.

Bought a blue coat at Jubilee Market. Why did I buy a coat? I don't know. I talked the guy down 30 pounds tho.

Now I'm back at the hotel and I guess I'm going to stay in this evening since I'm in RIOT CITY. yeesh.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Love is like a bottle of gin but a bottle of gin is not like love

I feel there is a chemistry
Actually I can't believe, that you are alone!
You are more pretty and beautiful than be alone, I know there is tons of boys sending you message, but anyway I'm trying like them but there is a difference.
I'm not into any game or sex date, I'm the same ,looking for someone who love to live , watch movie, cook, walking on the beach, play card and spent time together, any activity.
I'm honest, trustworthy and kind. If I trust you, I'll open my heart and will do more than you can Imagine.
By the way I love do Massage and also love to take picture like pose modeling and stuff.
Will be more than happy to hear from you..


O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't!

Also, LOL

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Day of Remembrance, BBQ, and sales

Happy Memorial Day! Thanks for putting yourselves on the line, freedom fighters.

I bought stuff today at Buff Exchange. Cheap skirts, yeah! Bringing my bulldog-about-town along got me a discount. How could I resist?

Before that I bought quitting smoking supplies. The patch, nicotine gum, one of those vapor e-cigarettes. Quitting like a pansy is very expensive. I'm broke now, but I'm pretty sure that I already smell better.

The rest of the day I shall devote to various remembrances.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm watching Clueless right now

Thought I should update this here blog before a full year goes by.

Went to a Cinco De Mayo party on Thursday night at the 4th St. Recording Studio in Santa Monica, and I'd like to tell you all about it.

We arrived late, around 11:45, and the party was mostly over. I had to pee, and the bathroom was pretty grim. The sink was wrapped in a trash bag. A note on the faucet read, "Out Of Order," but that didn't stop the previous pee-er from leaving the water on, overflowing this sink. I turned it off and went on my way. Didn't want to mess with that.

Then a middle-aged man in a baseball cap told me I looked like I needed to, "get FUCKED UP and FUCKED." And they say that chivalry is dead.

There were very cute candles all over - tea lights in limes. Adorable. An intimidatingly good-looking black man in dreadlocks told me he could do something secret and special with the limes. I followed him up to a loft area where he told me he was an artist- very successful, very successful. He had me put the lime in my hand, told me to close my eyes, and whispered, "You are looooooved."

I wanted to spit in his face.

He asked me if I had a lover and if I'd ever loved a black man before. He said I was, "a warrior full of light," and was pretty sure I should let him paint my nude portrait. He was not phased when I told him I had poison oak all over my legs. I guess I should have told him that I had syphilis. What a maroon.
I told him that my friend had hidden some tequila downstairs and that he should try to find it. I went to a bar down the street with my crew. Looking back on it, I'm fairly certain that everybody at the party was rolling, which would explain a lot. We went back later in the night and then had to leave when a dude stood behind me and rubbed his boner on my butt. SRSLY? At least get me a beer first, dude.

The bar was great. My buddy knew the bartender from work and he gave us two free shots of tequila. Then some other dude bought us a round for no good reason - I think somebody bummed him a smoke? In any event, I love generous drunks. Especially when they apply that generosity to getting me drunk.

Other stuff happened, but those were the funniest parts. In the morning, I felt like this:

I'm dead now!