Friday, June 27, 2008

So I was thinking:

1. Moving sucks, but will be, I hope, a cleansing and, you know, character-building experience in the end. Maybe?

2. I just said to myself - actually, I didn't really, "say" anything, I was thinking to myself - that I would really like a place to write down my thoughts without worrying about anybody reading it or judging it or...whatever. And then I was like, OH YEAH, that's a journal. The interweb has changed me, made me stupider, etc...

3. Later, I was contemplating how much my neighbors must hate me. Then I thought: WHATEVER I DON'T EVEN FUCKING LIVE HERE ANYMORE! And I felt good.

4. This happened! It was the greatest! Ali and Patrick made this here poster that I love so well!


5. I have the most amazing boyfriend! Me! Yeah, me! Finally, right? It's nice.

6. I'm not so great always. But I don't suck! That's a triumph, I think. Triumphant am I.

7. This kid is going to be on Judge Judy. All the bigger, better blogs knew this long ago. But fuck that, I am super excited about this upcoming half-hour of television.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hey! I graduated! Also, it is SO HOT IN BALTIMORE.

I think it's driving me insane. I am completely obsessed with flossing.


They've made dental hygiene fun!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gypsy Violence -- Glorious Coincidence

This happened at Emily and Ali's one night while we were drinking Sofia Coppola (what? what? it has a pretty bottle) SPARKLING WINE. My life will never be the same. Emily made this video:


I'm having trouble with this whole, "updating" thing. So, meet the man who has twice shepherded me across the country, in drug-fueled fashion. The man with whom I once unwittingly rode a bus's entire route. The man who locked me in a car out of love, "like a caged tiger" when I was black-out drunk and vicious. The man who threw his cell phone into a creek on mushrooms, inspiring me to do the same. And lots of other stuff. Read HIS blog, hooray!!!

Buffalo Valentine's Whiskey Sierra

Sunday, May 4, 2008


I love Sundays. There are lots of movies on the teevee and...well, you know, that's pretty much all that I do with my Sundays.

Today, I've also been playing a lot of FREE TETRIS! I may never accomplish anything ever again.

Blogging is tough. Maybe I'll make something to eat.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I'm in my last class...

EVER. No more college for me!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


On Thursday night, while engaging in EXTREME HUGGING, I broke my face.


I am so menacing. You should see the other guy. That sidewalk is TORN UP.

I've never had stitches before. They're pretty awesome looking. Anyway, I feel really crappy and loony.

To make myself feel better, I watch this over and over again.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm pretty bored. But, luckily, the future is now. Or, alternatively, later!

Today was the last performance of La Ronde, the last play I'll ever act in at the Merrick Barn here at Johns Hopkins. It was a lot of fun, blah blah blah, and now I'm a little sad. Aw. The point is that one of my friends who came to see it today described the experience as follows:

"Woah. This play is just watching my acquaintances and friends simulate sex."

I maintain that there was more going on there. But, to be totally honest, there might not have been all that much else going on. WHO KNOWS? Anyway, back in 1950 Max Ophüls directed a film version of the play. This is "The Actress and The Count." In the play, I played the Actress. In the movie, the part is played by Isa Miranda, who is a stone cold fox. But, hey, I have my charms too, right? Uh, right?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welcome to my world, internet.

Last night I had a party and I got really wasted.  Fascinating, I know.

Today I ate lunch, got drunk, got sober, and started a blog.  This blog.  It's been a wild ride.

Maybe this will be interesting.  Maybe it won't.  I'm just a friendly yeti, everyone, trying to get by in the big, bad world.  Do join me on this...this arctic journey, won't you?
