Tuesday, March 10, 2009

from the annals of the internet:


Get it???? Get it???? GET EEEEET?????????

I am hilarious.


The [wonderful non-profit theatre's] Gala was last night. It was so so so much fun - and Mary Steenbergen told me she like my shoes. I was like, "Payless!" And she smiled. Carol Burnett was there and Dick Van Dyke rapped (sort of) and there were many, many desserts. Super fun.

Anyway, I have put lots and lots of pictures I think are funny on the desktop of my work computer. I probably shouldn't leave them on the desktop, so I'm going to put them here. I'm not going to give credit (even where it is due) since I have no idea where all this shit came from, jeeeezzzz. Without further ado:

This is actually a picture of my mother and myself - but I did find it randomly on the internet. NONE OF US ARE SAFE!

I bought boots on sale for 20 bucks today and they are epic in their greatness. Epic.

Got a call-back from Theatricum Botanicum! Am trying not to exhibit freak-out-joy symptoms until I get off work and can schedule...but I haven't been super succesful. Eeee!

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