Monday, April 13, 2009

I have an interview in an hour -

"Metal Monday & $9 all you can drink 2nite@ Ottobar!" -- This phrase is one way to encapsulate the creeping regret I feel regarding the fact that I live here now instead of there.

But hey, life goes on, sometimes it's sweet.

Last week, I won tickets to see Vetiver. Listen to them here, if you haven't yet. As it turns out, I actually won tickets to see them tonight, but they let me in last night because the organizers are friendly/disorganized/both. It was my first trip to the new Eagle Rock Performing Arts Center and I'm sure I'll be back. It's a gorgeous old space, cavernous and church-like and $3 beer. I don't know the dude who opened and I'm not that pumped to find out more about him - some people are obviously quite talented, but you hear their songs and think, "Huh. Heard this before." And that's that. Anyway, I was a little worried Vetiver would stick to their more down-tempo sad-sack compositions, which would have been unpleasant for me four beers in. And, considering Benji was projected on the wall behind them, it would have been absurd in the bad way for all those present. But they did not do that! They leaned further and further toward the stutter-step hipster-honky-tonk side of their discography as the show went on, and that was just A-OK, thanks a lot folks by me. I got sweaty and danced and so did everyone else. Wonderful. Hell, I woulda payed 12 bucks for it.

On Friday, Japanther is playing @ some house on Kenyon. Baby, I wanna get in a fight.

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