Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never discuss politics over dinner...

I ate frozen yogurt for dinner.

This "who shall I vote for" business is troubling. I'm talking about the two terrible candidates we have for Cali governor: Meg "I'm the worst" Whitman and the former, "Gov. Moonbeam," Jerry Brown. Let's not quibble over third party candidates - Laura Wells is awesome, of course. Check out her statement:

" There are solutions! For great schools, health, environment, jobs, and justice. We can stop coddling mega-corporations and billionaires. They’ve gotten filthy rich, and left California flat broke and unemployment sky high.

We can create a State Bank and invest in California not Wall Street.

Let’s expand the good parts of old Prop 13 to keep people in their homes, and fix rotten parts like the 1/3 minority that has veto power over taxing the rich. Let’s implement fair taxes, and give ourselves and our kids a chance."

Okay, she's great. But it's not like we can let Meg Whitman win...

So. I guess I'm voting for Jerry Brown. On the up side, at least we know that whoever wins, it's not as though they can accomplish all that much. Oh, blessed, blessed stasis.

Ugh, whatever. Have you seen this show they call "The Adventures of Merlin?"

Yes. Yes. A thousand times, YES! Teenage soap-opera Arthurian tales?!?!?! Where does the BBC get their show pitches from, THE GODS?

p.s. I sincerely resent the fact that I keep having to vote for Democrats. With some very few exceptions (including Barbara Boxer, as it happens) the representatives of that party are all too eager to sell out my autonomy over my body and the civil rights of the LGBTQ-identified and others in order to appease people who think that monkeys don't exist and that God and Mr. Clean wrote the Constitution together on a roll of Brawny paper towels. Yeesh.


libhom said...

The idea of a state bank is great. It's been done for a long time in North Dakota, and it has worked wonders there.

Anonymous said...

thank you for articulating my feelings once again, along with zany pictures from pop culture. i don't know what could be better. (I am "researching" your internet presence for flyer inspiration). Shalom!