Tuesday, December 1, 2009

WHO CAN SURVIVE MY (maybe, sort of, kind of) FURY???!!!!

Last night I went to Spaceland and finally saw The Happy Hollows play live - love their new album Spells - and I was super excited about going. Unfortunately, although the company was top-notch, I was really not feeling their live show. They are great performers (that front-woman is an animal, y'all) and everything but...eh. The studio sound didn't really translate. They reminded me of a Rainer Maria retread, and much as I liked them back in the day, the world doesn't really need another. C'est la vie. Still, I'll probably give them at least one more shot. Maybe it was an off night.

But you know what really gets my goat?

This morning Tyler was taking our new puppy for a walk. We adopted her just about a week ago. The vet says she's a Pharaoh Hound. Look at how cute she is:

we are thinking of naming her, "Mama Cass"

or maybe, "Lady Anne"
or..."Janet Reno." Girl is a diva, that's all.

Anyway, this guy is standing in his yard watching his small children play on the sidewalk. As Tyler and sweet 'lil pup walk up he shouts, "Out of the way kids! There's a pit bull!" The kids pay him no mind and, then, as Tyler walks by, the man shouts at Tyler, "If you have a pit bull, and you see kids, you need to CROSS THE STREET!"

Tyler, quick-witted lad that he is, replied, "First of all, she's not a pit bull. And even if she were - your kids are playing on the sidewalk." And away he went.

So, all discussion of the whale-sized sense of entitlement some parents feel concerning public property and their precious little darlings aside, I think the real question is: What are some other ways to respond to this sort of asshole?*

- "If you have a pit bull, and you see kids, you need to CROSS THE STREET!"
- "If you have ugly kids, you need to keep them in the house."

- "If you have a pit bull, and you see kids, you need to CROSS THE STREET!"
- "My dog never eats shit."

Eh...I can't think of any more right now. The more I think about it, I can understand why that guy was rude. He's worried about his kids - but, dude, you're the one who won't let them play on the 'pristine' grass in your yard. Get yer priorities in order, jeez.


*Obviously, all dogs should be under control when they are in a public place - and that doesn't just mean on a leash dragging a person along. Dogs can absolutely be dangerous, but walking calmly by is a very different thing from say, zig-zagging around, barking wildly, or frankly, even getting within the personal space of somebody who hasn't consented to pet the dog. Tyler actively made sure he had our girl on a short leash, so that she couldn't even sniff at the kids, because we don't entirely know what she's like yet. I know somebody who was attacked very seriously by a dog when he was a little boy. It was horrible, really scary. But it wasn't that the dog was walking by - it was out of control. Oh, shit, I don't know. I'm just saying, all dogs could be dangerous, not just PIT BULL SPAWNS OF SATAN, and so are cars, and so is the world - WHY YOU TALKIN SHIT ABOUT MY PRINCESS?


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